In his argument, he emphasises on the three main requirements for knowing, one is that the thing has to be true, secondly, one has to believe in that thing and lastly it requires that one has adequate evidence to believe that the thing is true. Firstly, the truth requirement is necessary for if it is not, would be self-contradictory since knowledge cannot come from something false. Secondly, it requires that one has to believe that the thing is true for believing is an eminent part of knowing.
Nevertheless, for a thing being true does not require that it is believed to be true. For instance, it is true that there is another dimension aside the world we are living in though some may not believe. So what if it is true and it is believed to be true? Would such true belief suffice the term ‘knowledge’? A sceptic may reply that even we have believed a thing to be true; we were not in the position to know it, for it is merely just a lucky guess.
The last requirement, the most vital of all is that we must have evidence to believe that a thing is true. Notwithstanding, the adequacy of evidence remains an unsolved puzzle. How and when can evidence ever be countable? Surely one cannot extract the whole evidence; hence would leave a probability of false belief.
In arguing the reliability of the senses, Hospers came up with the two types of senses. The weak sense of knowing applies regularly in a general manner. It involves things which we know in common. For example, tomorrow the sun will rise. We say this in the weak sense given that, there is