Healing from Mother Nature The holistic healing philosophy of Greek Medicine states that Man is essentially a product of Nature, or the natural environment. Health is living in harmony with Nature, and disease results when this harmony and balance are upset. Healing is restoring this lost harmony and integration. Man and all other living beings on this planet grew and evolved within this all-pervasive biosphere, and have been relying on it for their survival, for food and medicine, for millions of years. The use of medicinal plants in healing is not exclusive to the human species; when an animal in the wild gets sick or feels out of sorts, it will stop eating and munch on some healing herbs until it feels better. Herbal medicine amongst humans first evolved as an imitation of this universal healing practice of the animal kingdom. And so, herbal medicine is a universal practice among all the world's traditional medical systems, which developed systems or models of herbal healing based on the holistic healing principles and concepts inherent to that system. Greek Medicine is no exception to this rule, and bases its own system of herbal medicine upon its core concepts: the Four Basic Qualities, the Four Elements, the Four Humors and the Four Temperaments. The practical details of Greek Medicine's system of herbal healing grew out of the accumulated clinical experience of generations of Greek physicians. Any system of herbal medicine, to be viable, must have both a theoretical and a practical aspect. Theory is necessary to guide the observations and hypotheses of the physician in formulating a diagnosis and treatment strategy. Practical experience, either one's own or transmitted from one's teachers, is necessary to select the right herbs and medicines, which actually work. Hippocrates, in his writings, warns against the dangers of letting theory jump too far ahead of clinical practice and what actually
Healing from Mother Nature The holistic healing philosophy of Greek Medicine states that Man is essentially a product of Nature, or the natural environment. Health is living in harmony with Nature, and disease results when this harmony and balance are upset. Healing is restoring this lost harmony and integration. Man and all other living beings on this planet grew and evolved within this all-pervasive biosphere, and have been relying on it for their survival, for food and medicine, for millions of years. The use of medicinal plants in healing is not exclusive to the human species; when an animal in the wild gets sick or feels out of sorts, it will stop eating and munch on some healing herbs until it feels better. Herbal medicine amongst humans first evolved as an imitation of this universal healing practice of the animal kingdom. And so, herbal medicine is a universal practice among all the world's traditional medical systems, which developed systems or models of herbal healing based on the holistic healing principles and concepts inherent to that system. Greek Medicine is no exception to this rule, and bases its own system of herbal medicine upon its core concepts: the Four Basic Qualities, the Four Elements, the Four Humors and the Four Temperaments. The practical details of Greek Medicine's system of herbal healing grew out of the accumulated clinical experience of generations of Greek physicians. Any system of herbal medicine, to be viable, must have both a theoretical and a practical aspect. Theory is necessary to guide the observations and hypotheses of the physician in formulating a diagnosis and treatment strategy. Practical experience, either one's own or transmitted from one's teachers, is necessary to select the right herbs and medicines, which actually work. Hippocrates, in his writings, warns against the dangers of letting theory jump too far ahead of clinical practice and what actually