I did not go to a library. I used a search engine for the majority of my research. There is a lot of information about hai’s from government search engines like cdc.gov, who.int, and an online publication called infectioncontroltoday.com. This is a medical publication that is completely research basis. They do not publish opinion or editorial stories. I didn’t call an expert on my topic but I was able to find the written testimony of an expert on hai’s.
#1 http://www.cdc.gov/hai/
My first source is a basic definition of my topic, hai’s. This will lay the foundation for my topic. The cdc is abbreviated for Center for Disease Control. They are a government agency that is the most informative source for my topic. They are strictly a research based website. They have an incredibly expansive amount of research to use. I will use this search engine multiple times but will add the additional source references that cover the different issues. #2 http://www.who.int/csr/resources/publications/whocdscsreph200212.pdf, “Prevention Of Hospital-Acquired Infections: A Practical Guide- Who/Cds/Csr/Eph/ (2002.12) Chapter V,” Prevention of nosocomial infection
This source is a 145 page document written by an entire group of doctors and scientists for the World Health Organization. It breakdowns what hai’s are, how they can be prevented, and how they should be