Health care may be defined as “The prevention, treatment, management of illness and the preservation of mental and physical well-being through the services offered by the medical and allied health professionals.”From the ages of self medication, Indian health care industry has come of ages during the recent times. Indian health care industry has emerged as one of the most challenging as well as largest service sector industry in the country. With the 2nd largest population in the world & 70% of it living in villages, it has become a challenge to provide medical services to one and all. On the other side it also gives both public as well as private players a huge market to play. The role of Indian government in providing medical facilities is very important as every individual can’t afford the huge bills of private hospitals. Government has been helping below poverty line people by providing free medical facilities time & again. In India an individual can chose amongst various alternatives of medication like Allopathic, homeopathy, Ayurvedic etc. Allopathic currently leads all other forms of medication. India provides various world class multi specialty hospitals and is attracting both patients & specialists from the world over.
Here in our project, we are learning the business model of any of the key players in the hospital industry. We are trying to analyze the subject by doing an in-depth industry analysis, which includes industry lucrativeness, overall growth and profitability of the industry. A comparative analysis of Indian hospitals industry Vis-a- via global hospital industry has been done to gain a perspective on various options an Indian consumer has with respect to their foreign counter part.
We have also performed following analysis pertaining to the HOSPITAL INDUSTRY: 1. POTER’s five force 2. PEST Analysis.
In order to analyze & comprehend any business model specific to a
Bibliography: * India Hospital Report May 2010 by NorthBridge Capital * Healthcare In India- emerging Market Report * Hospital Industry Insight by Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd. * Health Insurance In India. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.healthinsuranceindia.blogspot.com/. * IBEF * CRIS