Here in our country, it’s typical to find a hospital or a small clinic in almost each and every corner, of every municipality or city, some of this hospitals are well-run and well maintained, while others are not that organized, some even have a cheap but lousy service due to lack of staff, or maybe lack of experience of the employees. Most of the hospitals nowadays try to keep up with the never-ending, fast pace of technology, but sad to say, not every hospital can. Only the big shot hospitals are the only ones that can manage to keep up with technology and for the record, those technologies are pretty expensive. With all this expenses and modern technology, we can say that more than half of the hospitals here in our country cannot afford to compete with the much modern and newer hospitals, so most of these hospitals resort to a much more tedious way of manual systems, where every record, data, item is manually written into record sheets, papers, boards, and other things we can think of to make the manual process easier. The cost and expense for resorting to this operation is minimal, but the workload and time of the process is way too much to handle especially if the owner of the hospital considers expanding its business. The common problems that an establishment with manual operations could face are also the common and the much expected problems, to name a few we have; loss of records, accidental damage of record sheets, fire hazards, unorganized process of compiling, hard-to-read handwriting that would cause confusion and lead to wrong data, and so many more. All of that just means one thing; manual system is never stable and never always reliable.
Under the new system, all the hospital records are organized, instead of stacks of paper and file cabinets, all the data are stored into a single computer, the total time and process of the hospital is dramatically shortened and