I decided to enroll in PUP with the program of Hospitality Management.it was a long process I filled out my application, took the pupcet examination, interviewed with the admissions department, and crossed my fingers.My patience had been tested.
I decided Hospitality Management course was a step I have to take to reach my long-term goals. When June came, I’m thinking about suiting up in my new chef’s uniform, cooking delicious and sumptuous food,discovering wide variety of hotels and many more.
Hospitality Management program took some serious adjustment. I traded skinny jeans and leggings for Corporate Attires. my hair got tied and tucked up into a supremely unflattering Frenchtwist. My nail polish gathered dust at home—not part of the Hospitality Management uniform. Combine all this with a Hectic Weekly and the usual challenges of a new experience, I was ready to be confined in the hospital after my first two months, it was tiring, but fun.
Since giving up was not an option, I dug in and braced myself for a fight. Slowly and steadily, I fell in love with everything about Hospitality Management program and the challenges gradually dissipated. The friends I made helped the transition tremendously. Hospitality Management puts friendships on the fast track. You will always need people to lean on.
Hospitality Management program taught me about the service sector that provides