Assessment of the Hospitality Management Graduates’ Work after Graduation
Statement of the Problem This study would like to know the statistics of how many hospitality management students of Colegio de San Juan de Letran are employed after graduation. Furthermore, this study also aims to know the level of satisfaction they get in their job.
Theoretical Framework
Significance of the study This study aims to give comprehensive review and identification of hospitality and tourism research articles (Cheng, 2008).
The researchers of this study seek to assess the statistics of the job assurance and satisfaction of the Hospitality Management graduates of Colegio de San Juan de Letran after graduation.
Hypothesis Hospitality Management graduates’ assurance to be employed may vary in their willingness to apply for a job or to get enrolled again for graduate school. Likewise, the level of their satisfaction in terms of their work also varies depending on their interest and motivation to work.
Alternative Hypothesis Because of the quality education in Letran, the Hospitality Management graduates are likely to be employed immediately after graduation.
Null Hypothesis Because of their unwillingness to work for a job, they become unemployed citizens.
Scope and Limitation
Definition of terms
Issues, Challenges, and Trends that the Hospitality Industry is Facing
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Wang Jin-zhao, Wang Jing
Issues, Challenges, and Trends that the Hospitality Industry is Facing
Abstract: This article presents findings of issues, challenges and trends that hospitality industry might fact in the year ahead respectively. Top issues that will influence the global hospitality industry in the year ahead include sustainable development calls for green hospitality, labor cost, multicultural issues and higher education. Challenges that facing hospitality include will include operating issues, marketing issues, technological issues and economic issues.