HOTEL - “A building, edifice, or premises or a completely independent part thereof, which is used for the regular reception, accommodation, or lodging of travelers and tourists and the provision of services incidental thereof for a fee” (Department of Tourism)
CLASSIFICATION OF HOTELS (by size, location, rate)
Airport Hotels • Named for its proximity to major travel centers like the airport • Business travelers who prefer to stay near the airport, transients, airline crew, and/or airline passengers with overnight travel layovers or cancelled flights.
• Designed for relaxation and vacationing guests from the leisure markets • Maybe near a mountain, island or any exotic location away from the crowded residential areas
Bed and breakfast hotels • Converted houses or historical buildings that offer rooms for rent • Number of guest rooms range between 20-30 • Offer limited services
Suite hotels • Feature luxury rooms • Guests rooms may have a foyer and a kitchen • Offer a butler service
Extended stay hotels • For travelers who intend to stay for 5 days or longer • May have a kitchen area but offer reduced hotel services
Convention hotels Primarily cater to conventions and meetings from small to large groups
Casino Hotels • Highlight gaming as one of the entertainment venues for guests
• Star and Diamond Classification System • Deluxe, First Class, Standard and Economy (Philippine Hotel Classification)
Operational control of the enterprise is vested by contract to a separate enterprise that provides managerial services for a fee.
Do not only cover selling, (a method of doing business) as with franchising or licensing, but also the actual handling, managing, and controlling of the organization.
Can involve these functions: technical operations of a production