Rodrigo S.M. the narrator through which we get to know our protagonist, Macabea. Like a god, Rodrigo is able to create Macabea’s story; he can mold her into whatever shape or form he wants and invent her future, past, and present. He holds “[her] destiny in [his] hands”(12). However, Rodrigo explains throughout the novel that there is a …show more content…
She was a fortuneteller. Fortunetellers, like horoscopes, provide details of a person’s unavoidable destiny. Her visit with Madame Carlota was the “first time [Macabea] was going to have a destiny” (66). Carloata predicted a “marvelous destiny” (69) for Macabea; a destiny filled with love from foreigners, prosperity, and physical beauty It is ironic, that to the client before Macabea, Carolata predicted that she would be run over by a car – the same destiny that came of Maceabea. Madame Carolata, in the novel, represents destiny as created by humans; however, true destiny is in the universe, which explains why Macabea’s fate was so contradictory to Carolata’s prediction. Carolata chose happiness; destiny,