The characterization, in The House on Mango Street, of Esperanza’s great-grandmother and Rafaela is used to convey how women were inferior to men in Esperanza’s society. According to Esperanza, her great-grandmother was a very wild woman. That is why she refused to marry until a man “threw a sack over her head and carried her off” (Cisneros, 11). This shows how unimportant women are, of that time, that a man could kidnap a woman and she could do nothing, no matter how wild she was. Also, despite her wild personality, Esperanza’s great-grandmother shows how women could be forced into marriage without a say in who they marry. Like Esperanza’s great-grandmother, Rafaela has many hopes such as dancing at the dance hall or bar. However, she never…
(The bright white interior of Bernarda’s house. Thick walls. Arched doorways with canvas curtains edged with tassels and ruffles. Rush chairs. Paintings of non-realistic landscapes with nymphs and legendary kings. It is summer. A vast shadowy silence fills the scene. When the curtain rises the stage is empty. The tolling of bells is heard. The Servant enters.)…
The House of Bernarda has an interesting beginning because it tells us what other characters- namely Poncia and the servant- think of Bernarda. It gives us a very clear and true representation of the kind of person Bernarda is. We discover that she is the mother and leader of the household who…
Answer the following questions as they pertain to Rodriguez’s “Aria”. This is a lengthy piece – I expect your responses to match the significance of the text.…
Esperanza’s great-grandmother “looked out the window her whole life, the way so many sit their sadness on an elbow” (Cisneros 11) and Rafaela—her neighbor—“gets locked indoors because her husband is afraid Rafaela will run away since she is too beautiful to look at” (Cisneros 79). Themes of spousal abuse arise as the home becomes a “prison…guarded first by domineering fathers, and second by domineering husbands” (Pagán). Esperanza does not experience this imprisonment herself, but vows to get “[A] house all my own…Not a man’s house. Not a daddy’s” (Cisneros 108). This promise comes after Esperanza sees the other female figures in her life being oppressed, particularly Sally—a classmate—who “got married…young and not ready…she is happy…expect he won’t let her talk on the telephone. And he doesn’t let her look out the window” (Cisneros 102). Esperanza’s refusal to conform to her cultural belief is a result of the homes being a symbol for imprisonment and…
La Poncia reveals her contempt for Bernarda by telling another servant: “I’ll lock myself up in a room with her and spit in her face-a while year” (235). La ponicia has been mistreated by Bernarda which continues to remind her of her “place” within the house. For instance in the opening of Act 1, La Ponicia introduces Bernarda to the audience by saying “If Bernarda doesn’t find things shining, she’ll pull out the few hairs I have left”. She also announces “She’s perfectly capable of sitting on your heart and watching you die for a whole year without turning off the cold little smile she wears on her wicked face. “ After thinking these terrible things, how could one not want to take revenge out on someone? Also in Act 1, La Poncia…
The play is introduced with a very unusual setting which portrayed as a farcical comedy which involves entertaining the audience by means of improbable and absurd situations and the layout suggests a fast-paced plot which is soon to follow. The stage directions give the immediate sense of absurdity and immorality before all the actors are even on the stage. 'A coffin stands on trestles' completely contrasts with the normal room in which it resides and also raises many questions to the audience due to the anomalous object. A coffin resembles death and multiple negative emotions such as sadness and loss which contributes to the @strange@ atmosphere in which the audience may interpret to be humourous as it is, afterall, a black comedy. The 'electric fan' gives the audience the feeling of the room being stuffy due to the corpse being in the room which emphasises the bizzare situation and makes the play more vibrant. In the beginning of the play, the wardrobe is involved quite often in a short space of time as Fay struggles to open it 'She picks up the slippers and takes them to the wardrobe. She tries to open the wardrobe. It is locked.' Despite being…
In this paper I’m going to talk about the sacrifices in the play Cyrano de Bergerac. Most of the major sacrifices in the story are for love like cyrano who gives up the love of his life because of his nose or how Christian was not able to show the woman he loves his real thoughts and personality. Then there's a Character like Roxane that has so many people giving things up for her, but she gives very little back for what she has received. Sacrifices like these and Roxane self-importance show what the Characters in this play value.…
This particular play is about an estranged mother and her precociously initiative daughter going on a road trip stretching from Paoli to Yellowstone, both seduced by the idea of a getaway. The daughter is living with her father who is granted full custody by the court in the divorce between her father and mother. The little girl aged fifteen at the time was called Olivia and her beloved father Aaron, but he has married another wife, who is a nasty piece of work in how she treats Olivia. The little girl calls her mother Beatriz a pretty distressed and angry Cuban woman whose intuition to solve the dilemma at hand is to go on a road trip. This paper will be looking at the variables and events that influence’s Olivia’s journey to self-identity…
Oppression through the perversion of the Christian doctrine is one of the key themes in the sonnet. The first description that the reader gets of the girls is that they are “ruined.” The word ‘ruined’ is a high modality word, and exemplifies the fact that these girls cannot be fixed no matter how hard one tries. This creates a sense of pity as the word “girls” represents youth. There is also a sense of order and routine that is demonstrated in the way “the girls are walking at the neat margin of the convent grass.” The word “neat” and the religious imagery associated with the word “convent” depict a strict order. Grass is also associated with the colour green, which represents fertility. The fact that the girls are “walking at the neat margin of the… grass”, shows that they are not allowed to be mothers. The girls are then “counted as they pass.” This establishes a sense of anonymity as we are looking at the girls as a whole group and not as individuals, which they are. This conveys that they are not cared for individually, and that they are in a harsh environment. The sonnet’s form is also directly related to the subject matter, as it is written in iambic pentameter which diegetically exposes the oppression of the young girls as of it’s strict rule. Through the use of many poetic devices, such as imagery, the theme of oppression by religion is established whilst sticking to a strict form.…
In the book “Bless Me Ultima”, by Rudolpho Anaya, there were two families represented, the Marez family and the Lunas family. These two families were very different, but were brought together by the marriage of Gabriel Marez and Maria Lunas. Through the eyes of their son Antonio one may see the comparison of the two. The differentiation of these two families is very clearly noticeable, such as in their personalities, the expression of their religion, and their everyday ways of life.…
Firstly, Molina uses the fantasy presented in the films he reiterates as a way to escape from the harsh reality of the real world, creating his own, more favourable one. This perspective can be seen throughout the novel, particularly in association with the strong romantic and feminine aspects displayed in the films. A film that allows Molina to escape the real world is told through his stream of consciousness in chapter five, which tells the love story between an unattractive maid and a young soldier, face scarred by the war. This film is very personal to Molina in two aspects. Firstly, it is told not aloud to Valentin, but inside his own head, and secondly, it features a protagonist who is an outcast to society who nonetheless finds love. It is told through the first person perspective of the maid, and the use of personal pronouns draw a connection between the characters of Molina and the maid. This parallel characterization is heightened through the maid’s casual and repeated reference to herself as an “ugly girl” (100), mimicking Molina’s expressions of self-deprecation through belittling diction. He is constantly using words like “revulsion” (260) and “disgust” (262) to describe himself with, and he even interjects the film to recount the judge’s…
In the books ‘house of spirits’ and ‘Perfume’ characterization is done by giving extra ordinary abilities to the protagonist. It uses its protagonist ‘Clara’ and ‘Grenouille’ as a medium of describing the people but in ‘house of spirits’ through the eyes of ‘Alba’ and ‘Esteban’ and in ‘Perfume’ through the narrator (third person narration) as he gives the reader two aspects both contrasting each other.…
Antonio Buero-Vallejo’s play, ‘En la ardiente de oscuridad’ deals with a young man’s personal fight with the acceptance of his blindness. This young man is Ignacio, the protagonist of the play who lives in Francoist Spain in the year 1950. In his opinion he has been burdened with the disability of being blind. It is a disability that buts a division between him and the real world. Igancio is the tragic hero of the play as he stands up against normality and brings a new type darkness to the Centre of ‘los invidentes.’…
To what extent is Lorca’s use of symbolism and imagery in The House of Bernarda Alba central to the unfolding of his tragic tale?…