• The following table shows the Liquidity, Profitability, Efficiency and Financial Ratio of each Tata operating group companies in year 2007.
|Group company |Liquidity Ratio |Profitability Ratio |Efficiency Ratio |Financial Ratio |
| |Current Ratio |Gross margin |EBIT margin |Net income |ROE |ROA |Debt to Equity |
| | | | |margin | | | |
|Indian hotel |0.8970 |31.1% |24.9% |14.2% |18.4% |8.5% |98% |
|Tata Steel |2.4954 |49.0% |25.3% |16.6% |33.5% |11.4% |170.5% |
|Tata Motors |0.8527 |28.2% |10.7% |6.7% |31.3% |10.1% |94.6% |
• Tata group SWOT analysis
|Strengths |Weaknesses |
|Tata group is the one of India’s largest business houses. |Over Diversification in unrelated product lines from core business such as |
|Nano, a passenger car of Tata was the world’s cheapest car and half the |Tata Tea, Titan which unrelated from Tata Motors.