Thom had sustained nerve damage in his spine that had rendered him paralyzed from the waist-down. Apparently, immediately after the Doctor told him the news, Thom had demanded total privacy to see if his dick still worked.
“If Richard works, it’s all good,” Thom had told him with a wicked grin, the first time Gale had visited him in the Town Hall-turned hospital. Gale was just glad he took to the news so well. He had great hope that one day his friend would be able to walk again, and if he …show more content…
A flurry’s begun to fall, adding a dash of white to the soot covered ground. The starkness of the two colors remind him of his conversation with Beetee months ago, about black and white things. Life can only exist in the gray, but Gale had been a major asshole, and had shoved Madge into the black and white, unable to realize the greater meaning to her words, and the kindness behind them.
Thom had been right, life was too short to have regrets, especially the life of a soldier, and felt plenty of regret over how he had treated Madge. He needed to right things with her, or at least try to.
Miss. Undersee,
Thank you for opening my letter, and giving me a chance to explain myself. God knows I don’t really deserve it.
I was an idiot. I hadn’t realized what you were trying to say to me, and had assumed the worst. I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t hurt you. I see now that you’re intelligent, more so than anyone else I’ve ever met, and I hope whatever your dream is, it comes true.
We were ambushed, and my buddy and I nearly died. I keep thinking what would have happened if the wooden beam had fallen on me instead of him. Would I still be here? I guess I’ll never know now. Not that I particularly want to. The point I’m trying to make is, out here, there’s a constant chance I might die, and I just wanted to apologize to you while I still had the