
House On Mango Street Monologue

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House On Mango Street Monologue
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I've done my duty.

I'm not obligated to do anything beyond what just happened.

- I felt degraded... used.
- You could still walk away from all this.

We would make a great team if you'd stop concerning yourself with principles...

- and just play the game.
- You mean your game?

If you shoot one of us, you'll go to prison.

And you'll go to hell!

Seems like a fair trade to me.

- Let them go.
- No!

Amo is ours!
They have no right to...

- He's my child!
- Let them go.

My insurance policy.

I have evidence - a recording of you admitting that I got shot because of you.

Shh. Here, boy.

- When are we going to the police?
- Karabo...

We can't lay a formal charge.

- I don't understand. Why not?
- Because Kumkani will return the favour.
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I'll get on it.
I'm your guy.

You've proven your loyalty to my family many times.

Thank you, Cosmo.
I know I can count on you.

The university is being unfair.
They might as well have kicked me out.

I warned you that missing class was a bad idea.

It's not as if I was failing.

I submitted my work on time.
I did all my work.

Rules are rules. You can't expect other students to attend lectures and you don't.

Everyone misses lectures now and then.
They don't get barred from writing exams.

The problem is you missed too many.

- So are you saying you can't help me?
- Help you? How?

Fight the university's decision.
They're denying me the right to education.

- Surely I can appeal.
- I'm sorry, it's not their fault. It's on you.

You failed to meet all the requirements needed to pass your first year.


So, that's it?

- I'm afraid so. My hands are tied.
- Fine!

If you won't help me,
I'll fight this on my own!

If only you were this focussed and determined when it came to going to class.


I don't know what to do anymore.

He's hardly slept or eaten since we took him.

It'll take time.
He'll come around.

Okay, boy.

I don't understand. I used to be able to comfort him when he was teething or
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But still, it has to be done.

It's strange to have a baby in the house.
Is it normal for them to cry all the time?

You'd better get used to it.

Soon it'll be your child screaming this place down.

Good evening.

Good evening, baby.

- You look tired.
- I had a busy day at the hospital.

I've been on my feet all day.

Go and have a rest.
Dinner will be an hour late.

I was thinking of running myself a hot bath.

Do you want to join me?

That sounds nice.
I'm coming just now.

It's good to see that you and Sphe have adjusted to married life.

I was worried for a while, but you're finally giving her the attention she deserves.

- I know my duties as a husband.
- Excellent.

Then I won't be surprised when I hear that...

Sphe has fallen pregnant.
We need an heir.

I know.

I'm working on it.

I don't know what to do anymore.

Karabo, what's wrong?

- Amo won't stop crying.
- Hold the phone to him.

Let me hear him.

- Did you hear him?
- He's overtired. I can hear it.

- Read him a story. It usually calms him down.
- I tried. It didn't work.

He gets agitated when you tuck his blankets around him too tightly.

- And you must sing to him.
- I should know all this, not you!

If you hadn't taken

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