College of Social Science and Development
Department of Psychology
Psychological Test Report:
House Tree Person Test
Submitted by:
Rallos, Sheena Mae J.
Submitted to:
Prof. Rodrigo Lopiga
PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST REPORT A. Identifying Information:
Ms. Maricon B. Inciong is 18-years old, single; a college undergraduate taking up Bachelor of Science in Clinical Psychology in Polytechnic University of the Philippines. She is referred to take the Projective Test-House Tree Person Test for Psychological Fitness and Academic requirements last July 30, 2013.
B. Relevant history
Mariconis a native of Balayan, Batangas and grew up the middle child of three. She describes her father as having been strict, controlling, demanding, and very concerned about what others thought of him. She describes her mother as quiet, happy, affectionate, and old-fashioned. Parental disciplinary procedures include firm talking and removing privileges (on rare occasions). Maricon felt left behind and unable to measure up to her siblings.
Maricon attended Catholic school where she reports being trained to be “the perfect soldier.” When she was in Kindergarten, her brother makes fun of her hair and cut it in a boyish manner. Because of her hair cut, her classmates teased her as a lesbian.
Maricon discusses feeling angry when friends or other people gossip about her. She doesn’t feel angry at her parents but describes very rare occasions in which her brother can make her angry. She could recognize her behaviors that make others mad or times she felt guilt or jealousy. She likes her personality, described as funny and fun, but doesn’t like that she can get angry after a long day or when she’s tired.
Behavioral Observation
The subject was wearing complete and prescribed uniform of their department paired with black doll shoes and it perfectly fits her with a height of 5’9 ft. Her appearance was fairly neat. Hair is in a ponytail manner,