The speech was delivered by Dr. David Dockery, the President of Trinity International University on November 10, 2016 at 7pm in the Belin Chapel of Houston Baptist University. He started …show more content…
with an opening remarks and appreciation to the Board of Houston Baptist University. He proceeded to explain how religion has been used as a form of identification in 1950s in the United States of America. He stated that in the 1950s immigrants’ identified themselves by the denomination they belong. He explained that there were three major denominations, the Catholic, Presbyterian and Jews. He said immigrants’ were encouraged to change their language to English but not their religion.
This promotes religious moral principles among the communities that they identify with and form bases for socialization and educational preferences.
He explained that Southern Baptist associated religion were involved in higher education for the purpose of promoting religious education, enhance future education, as well as providing useful knowledge. It increases the number of higher education in the country to about 250 among them are Rhode Island College, now Brown University, Rhode Island and, Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, now George Washington liberal Arts and Sciences since 1821.
He said that through active faith and commitment, the landmark traditions were able to provide resources and influence for higher education. Therefore, the role of Christian experience is important in church base education. He explained that Timothy George influenced the evangelical tradition belief in religious liberty and church states issue. How churches respond to this things will help to reconsider religious identification as an approach to education in this 20th century. It will help to take a look at the past to navigate the
Finally, he emphasizes the point that Baptist higher education must be distinctive on Christ according to 1 Timothy 3:16 with oneness, wholeness, universality as the Catholic education. He reiterates the need for shared identity makers to create the foundation and stability in education. When asked why student were made to attend the program because it seems to be for the board of directors of the both the church and the school. He said that student should learn how to connect the mission of the school to their major/ discipline ministry.