When alcohol is consumed the brain is unable to send the correct messages through the body and disrupts communication between the nerve cells . It suppresses nerve activity, throughout the cerebral cortex and the central nervous system (CNS) by significantly slowing down the pace of actions taken and information received . Consumption also alters two of the major neurotransmitters within the brain being the Hippocampus and the Prefrontal Lobe . The hippocampus is responsible for memories, and occasionally after one or two standard drinks (SD)people are prone to forgetting recently learned things. Being that it is a sensitive part of the brain (see figure.1), alcohol is poisonous
on the brain. Also if heavy consumption occurs there is a 10% reduction in the size of the hippocampus. The pre frontal lobe is in charge of decision making and impulsive actions, which means that after alcohol enters the system there is a loss of control .
It is believed based on the extensive research done that there is no ‘safe’ level of alcohol consumption that is guaranteed completely for adolescences aged 12-17 . According to the lead researcher from Murdoch Children's Research Institute, Dr Elya Moore, “We found no evidence of a level that may have been safe. I think that’s the remarkable thing.” The column graphs below (see figure.2, figure.3) show the percentage of males and females from ages 12-17 show how they drink on a weekend basis. It is evident that males seem to hold a higher percentage for a majority of the age groups. It can also be seen that 22% of all 16-17 year olds drink any alcohol to get drunk, which is unsafe in itself. 4 standard drinks are the recommended number to stay under, to check the standard drink level check the alcohol beverage container , Drinkwise.org.au have collated tips to ensure safety when drinking, such as :
• Set limits and stick to them
• Alternate between non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks
• Drink slowly
• Try drinks with lower alcohol content
• Eat between/ or whilst drinking
• Dilute drinks with ice cubes or water