T1 answered that approximately 30 minutes; he spends with this exercise to teach his students. Whereas, T2 said that nearly one hour, he spends with this exercise to teach his students. May be these answers indicate that lots of care is required to deal with these aids.
Question 17:
For this question, T1 replied “yes” because it facilitates students by all means such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. T2 replied “no” because if we give students pattern videos so their minds’ ability could become weaken and they will become dependent on these aids. Therefore, audio-visual aids should not provide frequently in class. Both of them have different idea so may be T1 was more habitual of using audio-visual aid than T2
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So students enjoy a lot with this activity. While T2 replied, “yes”, students enjoy a lot because animated movies are easy for students to learn and observe a lesson.
Question 21:
T1 agreed that this activity is likely to be a good activity to engage the students to watch and listen with attention. In this way they can enjoy movies more and more. Then ultimately they may have confidence over language speaking. Similarly, T2 suggested that “yes” students should be given task to watch movies so that they could know the value of lesson, otherwise they will take it for granted. Interpretation says that may be both of them are suppose to give their students to watch movies to keep them engage with this audio-visual aid activity.
Question 22:
In response both teachers thought that “no” these aids are not expensive as there are some other resources too like “internet” through which we can get benefit. This indicates that nowadays we are living in modern era so we can easily get benefit through the advance technologies without spending great amount of money on expensive …show more content…
In contrast, another teacher thought that if these aids are not properly handled by the teacher then it means he is not a teacher. The responses indicate that much attention is needed to deal with these aids while teaching to students. Question 24:
T1 expressed as he used to prepare such kind of lessons so he is required hardly 15 minutes. While, T2 expressed that it takes a lot of time to prepare because it is the homework of the teacher. Previously he was required giant of time, but now he is approximately 30 minutes to prepare audio-visual aids lesson. It means for both them, the handling of audio-visual aids is easy but needs some time to prepare.
Question 25:
In response, T1 recommended that, as these are very helpful tools so teacher should use at least thrice a week according to the difficulty levels of students, if students have been provided with difficult audio-visual then they will become bore. Similarly, T2 also believed that these aids should be used as these aids help students in their professional life to