April, 30th 2018
English 10
Lisa Myers
How Are Feminists Misunderstood?
To understand how a feminist is misunderstood, we must understand what one is. A feminist is a woman who strives to have equality in society, to be equal to men. In 2018, feminists are misunderstood due to the acts of some women who represent and identify as one. There are three waves of feminism. Personally, I believe all three waves are correct, with the first and second wave making the most sense. The third wave is sort of a confusing concept to grasp, there are very powerful points and evidence they provide. Although, sometimes this view is warped and twisted due to some women giving it a bad name. Wave one, the suffrage movement which …show more content…
Men returned home to find the civilian jobs they had to be occupied by women, whom some of found out they liked working and wanted to work just like men. the equality movement. This waved also was inspired by the invention of birth control, which gave women more control over their bodies, more than ever previously attained. This was during the 50s, women proved themselves to be able to vote. This is all they want, the whole package, they want to be on the same level with men in the eyes of society. Visualize this, you’re a young boy and a trusted family friend sexually assaults you. You notify your parents, but the erroneous claims were dismissed because you’re only a kid, what do you know? These are the same thoughts that men had! Whether it be in the workplace, in the home, or even in the public. They want to be viewed as the same as men, just with a different set of genitals. In the workplace, women were often sexually harassed. They were touched inappropriately by some men, they either made complaints that fell on deaf ears, or they were too scared and or intimated to not speak of it. They wanted to be able to own property, they wanted to have legal claim to the money they earned. They were tired of the stereotypes that they must focus on motherhood and