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Fung Yuen Chang
How are genetics being linked to cancer diagnosis?
Is it a possibility that cancer can be related to hereditary genetic factors? What are the possibilities of genetics playing a role in cancer diagnosis? Genetic research and its correlation to cancer is a topic on the forefront of many research labs today. Many cancers are being researched for their connection with just common genetic makeup as a cause or correlation for cancer causing agents. It has is a topic of numerous discussions in most every cancer research lab in the market today. Almost every type of cancer currently under study has some type of research that is or has been done related to genetics. Genetics play a strong role in developing cancer because there are many factors related to cancer that can be linked to genetics. According to (, 2011) “Many cancers begin when one or more genes in a cell are mutated (changed), creating and abnormal protein or no protein at all. The information provided by an abnormal protein is different from that of a normal protein, which can cause cells to multiply uncontrollable and become cancerous.” The changes in protein are the identifying factors that give researcher the signs that cancer in fact does play a role with genetics. “A person can be born with the genetic mutation in all of their cells (germline mutation) or acquire a genetic mutation in a single cell during his or her lifetime. An acquired mutation is passed on to all cell that develop from that single cell(called somatic mutation).Somatic mutation can sometimes be caused by environmental factors, such as cigarette smoke” (, 2011). There are several genetic factors linked to an increase risk of cancer. Hereditary Breast Ovarian Cancer (HBOC) is associated with mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2.BRCA is the common abbreviation which stands for Breast Cancer. “Clinicians