
how are romeo and juliete victims of fate

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how are romeo and juliete victims of fate
How far do you think Shakespeare presents Romeo and Juliette as victims of fate?

Williams Shakespeare ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is one of world most renowned love tragedies. One of the most prominent themes that runs through out the play is fate and how this leads to the lovers tragic end. This was a common theme in many of Shakespeare plays as during the Elizabethan period most people believed in the power of fate. I believe that Romeo and Juliette were victims of fate and many times In the story they foreshadow what happens in the future.

From the very beginning of the book Shakespeare presents Romeo and Juliette as victims of fate. ‘From forth the fatal loins of these two foes a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life, whose misadventured piteous overthrows doth with their death bury their parents strife.’ In the prologue it suggests that “fate” will play a huge role in Romeo and Juliet’s tragedy. According to the chorus, Romeo and Juliette are “star-crossed” (as if the stars control their destinies) and their love is “mark’d” by “death.” The chorus also suggests that Romeo and Juliette were destined for tragedy the moment they were born.

Just before Romeo heads over to the Capulet ball, where he falls in love and meets Juliette he speaks of fate and how he dreamt that there would be bad consequences from this night “I fear it is to early, for my mind missgives some coincidence, yet hanging in the stars” however he still proceeded to the party believing it would lead to an “untimely death.” During the end of the party Juliette asks the nurse “go ask his name : if he be married. My grave shall be my wedding bed.” by saying this Juliette foreshadows her own death- her grave does become her wedding bed.

Friar Laurence agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet, as he believes that the love of the two children will conquer the hate of the families, as it could be seen that he feels that love can change the fate of the two families. Unfortunately, as the

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