Men also take a big role into this. Since magazines gives tips and advice to look good, teenagers do what magazines say. Magazines are used to give the media new looks and better clothing style to wear. There are magazines for sports women, fashion, teens such as Seventeen for music like Source even for the older women like People magazines. Typical magazines carry many ads which many of them include to get better looks of skin hair and other products. Magazines carry models that look skinny and in shape. They also consist in changing the image of the models in the magazines by changing some facial characteristics and adding many other things such as make up and or bigger lips. At first when we decided to the project we decided on many subject from gang violence to pregnancy at a young age that ranged from thirteen to eighteen. At last we sought to find out our statement at the last minute. When the subject of how girls from age thirteen to eighteen gets influenced by magazines some of our group members were not so sure about the subject. Some felt magazines didn¡¦t influence them at all while another group member thought it had a …show more content…
It also was so vague, that we should have interviewed a few different girls so that we could dig deeper in the physiological effects body image and self confidence has in common. We made each survey an easy four questions and circled answers for the sake of convenience and savoring of time. This quick survey barely scratched the surface and made our results that much less accurate. It was also very difficult to get genuine answers from young adults we surveyed because most were in a rush and were unable to sit and really think about their answers. We would have preferred if we could have surveyed young women outside of school, because now we see that its better to get a variety of women instead of girls, who were probably friends and all answered similarly based on the fact that they are in the same environment and have the same influences and pressures as one