This definition of attitude allows for one 's evaluation of an attitude object to vary from extremely negative to extremely positive, but also admits that people can also be conflicted toward an object meaning that they might at different times express both positive and negative attitude toward the same object.
There is a famous saying, “Attitude is everything” While attitude might not really be “everything,” in many situations it is the single most significant determining factor of success. Although some attitudes are influenced by core values, it is an element in producing, at all levels in an organization, a quality product or service, and it is greatly influenced by numerous factors. Employee attitude about product, about work, about manager and about the company will pretty well determine the quality of the work.
Most attitudes are formed as person grows up. Childhood experiences, Teachers, friends , parents, etc. all influence people’s attitude. Once an attitude is formed, it’s pretty much the way a person will think about any subject. People vote, select a spouse, pick an institute and raise children based on their attitude. Attitudes are affected by repetitive messages, advertising, examples, training and communications.
Can we measure attitudes to determine their impact? The answer is yes. Many measurements and scales are used to examine attitudes. Attitudes can be difficult to measure because measurement is arbitrary, meaning people have to give
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