Seohyeong Pyo
Lake Michigan College
Did you know more than 70 percent of foods in American restaurants and supermarkets contain genetically modified organisms? You already know that there is a huge difference between food and health. Food is good if it offers diverse, tasty, gourmet, and nutrient-rich.Health is state of being free from illness or injury.
First of all, eating infected a gene from another creatures, GMO (Genetically Modified Organism), which is the most greatest issues from around of world, It is better not eaten to human beings. GMO is unsecure, dangerous, and harmful. In despite of the dangerousness, Most of people doesn’t know where the foods on the table actually …show more content…
came from. No one can guarantee that how GMOs’ side effects will be long-term and continuous and proving safety is beyond the capabilities of current technology. GMO engineering supporters can improve the nutritional contents of lots of foods will help people who suffer from many deficiency diseases, but also they claim that GMO foods can yields medical benefit by injecting a unknown a particular genes or vaccine. However, GMOs are only a temporary measure, not the fundamental solution for nutritional improvement of foods and medical benefits.
Their own disadvantages far outweigh their own advantages. A study by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAME) advised precaution because GM foods have not been tested for human consumption and because there is significant evidence of probable harm (AAME, 2009).
The harmful effects that have raised up to now are that GMOs can cause food allergy reactions, indirect and non-traceable effects on cancer rate, unknown effects on human health and malfunction immune system. Several studies bear testimony to the dangerousness.
Second, transgenic crops have destroyed our environment and organic farming industry impossible by contaminating organic foods. transgenic crops is harmful insect, Perhaps,it helps to reduce environmental contamination. However, the resistance genes injected to the crops could easily spread to the ecological system. Consequently, the change has resulted in being caught in a vicious circle due to the birth of super weeds and super insect by spreading the genes to …show more content…
Third, GM crops are being forced on the whole world by biotechnology multi-nationals seeking monopolies for their products. After Green Revolution, which is a crop production that largely increased in late 1960s, agriculture has been reorganize from countries and have their own farming style and industry to increase productivity and try to mechanization of agriculture and depended gradually on the petrochemical industry. multi-naturals have encroached on the whole world food markets. When all food in the world becomes GMO foods or their products, we wouldn't even recognize what will happen to the human beings of from point of view and perception of food issues around the world. People who is advocating GMO crops and some people affirm that it is a clear indication fact to be guaranteed to solve the food problem because of improvement and the productivity. But the fact is so untrue. Because there is no relationship such as the prevalence of hunger in a given country and the population The real reason of hunger and famine is the public are poverty, unequal division and limited foods in developing countries. The food problem is not about how the yields increase, it is related to the fair distribution of food.
Fourth, to prevent GMO, It should rapidly recognize how awful GMO for us, and have GMO education to be aware and require to the people that GMO foods are not in natural environment, and being fake. This is the high secret, and hidden message for all of us that it is not way to be survive, but we can be affected from generation to generation. If you happen to see Japan’s fukushima, and eating a seafood with nuclear supplement, it is same foods as eating GMO food. It is brilliant for science to make bigger and larger, but it is not worth to have fake food in our mouth.
While effects may be only starting to surface amongst humans, tests on animals have been going on for a longer period of time.
As a result, animals have been suffering because of the health complications brought on by GMOs. Jeffrey M. Smith, a leader in promoting healthier non-GMO food choices, writes in the introduction to his book, Genetic Roulette about the many side effects of GMOs that were displayed during animal testing:
Lab animals were tested with GMO foods and impaired immune system, and watch their growth, with impaired immune systems, bleeding body, not being normal, and have potential cancer growth in the intestines, impaired blood cells, mishappening cell metabolism, and liver, kidney lesions,inflamed kidneys, less developed brains and testicle, enlarged livers, pancreas, and higher blood sugar sounds not very good. This is all from GMO testing lab animal.
These results of GMO animals has clear indication that how consuming these mutations can lead serious health risks. So not only most body are affected, animal’s life get shorter and their offsprings has lower chance of survival. If this were any indication as to how humans will be affected to see exposure to GMOs, I would not chose GMO food. Then I would not have awful body organs, being danger in my life and not having children