A Research Paper Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Human Resource Development
Texas A & M University
MAY 2010
How can Human Resource Development address Performance Appraisal Bias? 1
Integrity of the System 1
Leadership 2
Feedback and Communication 3
Forced Ranking 4
Values 6
Clear Goals and Objectives 7
Alignment 7
Performance Coaching 9
Appropriate Use 10
Organizational Oversight 11
Concluding Remarks 12
References 14 How can Human Resource Development address Performance Appraisal Bias?
Merriam Webster’s Dictionary lists as one of its definitions of the word bias the following: “a mental leaning or inclination; a bent”. The word discriminate is defined as “to constitute a difference between; differentiate” (Webster, 2010). A person who discriminates “sees” differences between two or more persons or things, even if there is no difference. A person who is biased is looking at everything from his or her particular slant, or point of view, and is so used to looking at the world this way that he or she may never even have considered that others see things differently. Organizational leaders use performance appraisal to assess employee strengths and weaknesses, using the information to make important decisions regarding rewards, promotions, and development (Smither, 1998, p. 163). The need for fair and effective performance evaluation and measurement has never been greater due to the continuing shift in employer/employee relationships and the growing demand for new and better ways of working together. Examined in the paper will be four key areas required for reducing performance appraisal distortion and bias. The areas are: 1. Integrity of the system, 2. Reviewer training, 3. Management leadership, and
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