Cited: Page Xu, Beina. "Media Censorship in China." Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations, 25 Sept. 2014. Web. 27 Oct. 2014. "China 'censors HK Protest Posts '" BBC News. BBC News, 29 Sept. 2014. Web. 29 Oct. 2014. Leatherman, Brian. "Internet Censorship and the Freedom of Speech." Internet Censorship and the Freedom of Speech. American University, 19 Dec. 1999. Web. 29 Oct. 2014. "ACLU and Drug Policy Groups Sue Over Censorship of Advertisements Criticizing ""War on Drugs""" American Civil Liberties Union. American Civil Liberties Union, 18 Feb. 2004. Web. 29 Oct. 2014. Cohen, Nick. You Can 't Read This Book: Censorship in an Age of Freedom. London: Fourth Estate, 2012. Print.
Cited: Page Xu, Beina. "Media Censorship in China." Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations, 25 Sept. 2014. Web. 27 Oct. 2014. "China 'censors HK Protest Posts '" BBC News. BBC News, 29 Sept. 2014. Web. 29 Oct. 2014. Leatherman, Brian. "Internet Censorship and the Freedom of Speech." Internet Censorship and the Freedom of Speech. American University, 19 Dec. 1999. Web. 29 Oct. 2014. "ACLU and Drug Policy Groups Sue Over Censorship of Advertisements Criticizing ""War on Drugs""" American Civil Liberties Union. American Civil Liberties Union, 18 Feb. 2004. Web. 29 Oct. 2014. Cohen, Nick. You Can 't Read This Book: Censorship in an Age of Freedom. London: Fourth Estate, 2012. Print.