Michael Grothaus introduces his own personal experience how reading impacted his lifestyle beneficially. To begin article he catches the reader’s attention by first introducing in bold “My favorite book is War and Peace”. Reason so he introduces this is because as the reader reads on throughout the work the reader will then understand his reason why War and Peace is his favorite. Grothaus was having a rough time in his life before reading this book by stating, “my life was in a rut”. He had many problems, which led him to “doub[t] [himself], [his] abilities, and [his] future”. When he read this book and finally finished, he begins to feel “more confident …show more content…
[and] less uncertain about [his] future”. By incorporating his own encounter on how just reading a book impacted his whole perspective of his life, he shares it with his audience to also persuade and inform about the benefits of reading.
Moreover, as well as the author incorporating his own personal experience his also includes in his article research from a variety of other source to support his reasons about the benefits of reading. The author introduces, Doctor Josie Billington, a deputy director of the Centre for Research into Reading at the University of Liverpool. He includes this information to not just only state his own personal experience, but actual facts. Grothaus states in the article from Billington statement, “Reading can offer richer, broader, and more complex models of experience, which enable people to view their own lives from a refreshed perspective and with renewed understand”. As well as quoting Billington, “People who read find it easier to make decisions, plan, and prioritize”. By adding Doctor Billington claims it helps support Grothaus beliefs about reading impacting a person’s life. Also, from another source Grothaus includes Sue Wilkinson, the CEO of The Reading Agency. He quotes Wilkinson stating, “[r]eading for pleasure in general can also prevent conditions such as stress, depression, and dementia”. As well as statistics on readers that say “reading improves their life and helps to make them feel good”. Grothaus adds these sources in order to persuade readers that reading is beneficial to the human lifestyle and provide background information.
Furthermore, towards the conclusion of Michael Grothaus article he also includes information advice provided with a series of steps. He incorporates four tips: “1. Read what interests you not what you think you ‘should’ read, 2. Find just 30 minutes a week to read, 3. Create a challenge for yourself, and 4. Don’t stick with a book if you’re not enjoying it”. He provides this information to further persuade the reader to aid them in their reading skills, so the could also read to benefit their lives as well.
Reading a book can benefit many people lifestyles.
The article “How Changing Your Reading Habits Can Transform your Health” by Michael Grothaus was written to inform readers that reading a book can transform many people by having a better lifestyle. Grothaus main focus in writing this article is to give informational advice to people who are either in a bad state in life and trying to have a better life for themselves, or to even have a healthy life. He builds the credibility of the article by his own personal anecdote, research from other sources about the benefits of reading, and informational advice to become a committed reader to benefit your