Dineace D Minnick
Colorado Technical University
Coaching and Mentoring Vital to Success
In my opinion I feel that to be successful you truly need to line up people around you who are will to Coach and Mentor you. It also looks good for you to be seen as a Coach and Mentor. I see this as an excellent way to always have feedback and direction to help reach goals and succeed to levels of excellence. I chose this topic because my ultimate goal, within the next seven years, is to be a life coach. This will include finance, career, home, and spirit. I believe that the youth coming out of High School and College have no clue. I know I didn’t and it wasn’t until I started getting direction and balance in my life did I start seeing a difference in my success.
I have gone out of my way to reach out and ask people to mentor me in different areas of my life. I have lost some mentors and gained others and found people who have walked in the path I find myself and have succeeded. This has helped me to find my own direction and focus. The number one thing I have found is that you cannot reach the levels of success without goals. Surrounding yourself with good mentors and coaching will help you reach those goals but the thing of it is, you need to be willing to put yourself out there and to take the direction openly. You cannot allow yourself to be sensitive to criticism.
I found some great references of coaching and mentoring in the executive/management while doing my research for this paper. Since I found this important in my own career and life I was able to soak it in and pull out the best tips.
According to Joan Caruso in “The Evolution of Executive Coaching”, executive coaching is taking its rightful place in organizations as an invaluable tool to develop and ensure leadership excellence. Interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence have become key components in judging a leader’s effectiveness. A manager’s
References: Caruso, Joan. (2000) The Evolution of Executive Coaching. Westchester County Business Journal,10/30/2000,Vol.39 Issue 44, p20, 2p. ISSN: 1057686X Popovec, Jennifer.(2006l). Management Matters. Commercial Property News, 04/16/2006, Vol.20 Issue 8, p26-26, 1p. ISSN: 10431675 Watt, Linda. (2004) Mentoring and Coaching in the workplace. Canadian Manager, Fall2004, Vol. 29 Issue 3, p14-16,3p. ISSN: 00455156 What is coaching – The Coaching & Mentoring network; http://www.coachingnetwork.org.uk/resourcecentre/whatarecoachingandmentoring.htm Wright, Jennifer. (2005) Workplace coaching: What’s if all about?. Work; 2005, Vol. 24 Issue 3, p325-328,4p. ISSN: 10519815