1. Online shopping
Sainsbury’s provides online service to the customer so the customer can do online shopping on the internet. Sainsbury’s also provide delivery service to the customers who do online shopping. Sainsbury’s will make sure all the products delivered on time to make the customer feel happy. This is good for the customer because the customer don’t need to go out; they can just stay at home but still can buy something. People want to do shopping from home because they busy, they have no time to go out so online shopping is good for them. This also is good for Sainsbury’s because they have a good feedback from customer because most of the price on internet is cheaper than the store so more people prefer use online shopping, that mean they can make a profit from different way.
2. Good service at checkout
Sainsbury’s also provides a good service at checkout to the customer. For example Sainsbury’s will make sure all the checkout will open so the customer don’t need to wait too long and have no queues at the checkout. This is good for the customer because they don’t need to wait too long. This also is good for Sainsbury’s because they have a good feedback about their customer service.
3. Customer service skills of staff
Sainsbury’s will make sure all the staff at Sainsbury’s has a good customer service skills. To do that, Sainsbury’s have some training for the staff to make sure all the staff understand what is a good customer service. Sainsbury’s want the customer know all the staff in Sainsbury’s is happy to help and want the customer feel happy about the customer service. This is good for the customer because they can have a good experience of shopping at Sainsbury’s.
4. Nectar
Sainsbury’s also provides a