“If it was a whale, it surpassed in size all those hitherto classified in science.” (the book) It could be a whale. They said that this monster came up and shot water. This makes since because a whale has a blow hole and they come up to breath. When they said that it was swimming at a high speed makes me think that it is not a whale either.
After this they thought that the monster was just a myth. That this was a story some sailors told. One day they spotted the beast again. “Fifteen days later, two thousand miles farther off, the Helvetia, of the Compagnie-National, and the Shannon, of the Royal Mail Steamship Company, sailing to windward in that portion of the Atlantic lying between the United States and Europe, respectively signaled the monster to each other in 42° 15' N. lat. and 60° 35' W. long.” (the book) Here we go again is this real or are they still telling the truth.
They went where they were called. A couple of crew members where over thrown by this ravenous beast. The crew members thought that they were going to drown. They heard someone call to them and they helped them on board. These people were put in a jail sail. The next day they were finding out what had happened the night before. They became members of this crew. They soon found out that this submarine that they are on was the beast everyone was trying to capture and