When she is first introduced in the book, she is seemed as the one to blame for everything that goes wrong. Chapter two: ‘Both men glanced up, for the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off. A girl was standing there looking in.’ The light – representing hope and reams - is cut off by her shadow, she casts a shadow over their George and Lennie’s dream., This foreshadows the death of their dream and her involvement in this; it is also significant as she appears just after George and Lennie have discussed their plans if they get involved in any trouble. Although, she could be seen as an angel, the light is shining behind her and she is the key to happiness. In this quote the
When she is first introduced in the book, she is seemed as the one to blame for everything that goes wrong. Chapter two: ‘Both men glanced up, for the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off. A girl was standing there looking in.’ The light – representing hope and reams - is cut off by her shadow, she casts a shadow over their George and Lennie’s dream., This foreshadows the death of their dream and her involvement in this; it is also significant as she appears just after George and Lennie have discussed their plans if they get involved in any trouble. Although, she could be seen as an angel, the light is shining behind her and she is the key to happiness. In this quote the