John C. Calhoun is quoted …show more content…
Specific individuals who played key roles are Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, and William Lloyd Garrison. Frederick Douglass wrote many newspaper articles about this issue that he cared so dearly about. Douglass was a freed slave who was taught by his master’s wife to read and write. He used these newfound abilities to spread the word and make a massive impact. He states in his article The Various Phases of Anti-Slavery, “All men desire the unalienable birthright of liberty.” Unlike many other key leaders of his time, he was very extreme on an even more controversial topic. With words filled with details regarding documents our country is founded on, he states “...the Constitution of the united states itself is an instrument that is easily susceptible to anti-slavery interpretation.”2 The very influential leader pulled examples from the Constitution and Declaration, stating how ALL men are created equal. The famous, William Lloyd Garrison took a similar approach as well, pointing out the religious wrongs and the political flaws of slavery. In the Declaration of Sentiments of the American Anti Slavery Society, he states that, “With entire confidence in the overruling justice of God, we plant ourselves upon the Declaration of Independence, and upon the truths of Divine Revelation… We shall organize Anti-Slavery Societies, if possible, in every city, town, and village of our …show more content…
William Ellery Channing strikes the question of how can it be Christ-like to have slaves? Many slave owners claimed to be Christian and by definition, owning another life would not be very righteous. He is seen here, pondering how to get rid of the evil and social classes that are separating the two, “How slavery shall be removed is a question for the slave-holder, and one which he alone can fully answer. He alone has an intimate knowledge of the character and habits of the slaves, to which the means of emancipation should be carefully adapted. General views and principles may and should be suggested at a distance; but the mode of applying them can be understood only by those who dwell on the spot where the evil exists.” Uncommon knowledge, is that slaves were not only African Americans; there were many white slaves who were of the lower class as well. This was a thing not only before but also after the war. Many families severely lacking in wealth or who committed crimes were sentenced to slavery for their punishment. While they were privileged because they were white, they still had to work just as hard. Although many wanted to abolish slavery, of this group one would be surprised at how few wanted African Americans to have equal rights. This plays a wild card into the deck of social class because only a small percentage believed in black equality. For Pete’s sake,