In summary, Prohibition inadvertently created a lucrative black market for alcohol, fostered organized crime, overwhelmed law enforcement, and led to widespread disruption all of which contributed to a significant increase in crime during that era. Prohibition led officials to push for change due to seeing that it is making the downfall for the country more prominent to happen, Government officials such as Mabel Walker Wildebrandt, She claimed that “The men who made the Prohibition law are violating it.How can you have the heart to prosecute a bootlegger send a,an to jail for six months or a year for selling a pint or a quart of whiskey, when you know for a fact that the men who make the laws are themselves patronizing bootleggers”. Another piece of evidence is that economic factors play a role, such as the rise in organized crime and violence, made it clear that prohibition was difficult to enforce, getting rid of prohibition made it so that it would be a new source of income for the government which was desperately
In summary, Prohibition inadvertently created a lucrative black market for alcohol, fostered organized crime, overwhelmed law enforcement, and led to widespread disruption all of which contributed to a significant increase in crime during that era. Prohibition led officials to push for change due to seeing that it is making the downfall for the country more prominent to happen, Government officials such as Mabel Walker Wildebrandt, She claimed that “The men who made the Prohibition law are violating it.How can you have the heart to prosecute a bootlegger send a,an to jail for six months or a year for selling a pint or a quart of whiskey, when you know for a fact that the men who make the laws are themselves patronizing bootleggers”. Another piece of evidence is that economic factors play a role, such as the rise in organized crime and violence, made it clear that prohibition was difficult to enforce, getting rid of prohibition made it so that it would be a new source of income for the government which was desperately