Snehal Shah
History & Theory – 1 2521
6 November 2015
Andrea Palladio’s works and his influence today
Andrea Palladio (1508-1580) was an Italian architect who took influences from Roman and Greek Architecture. He is said to be the most widely copied and celebrated architect in the history of architecture. Most architects have blindly copied his styles and elements and they have been followed till today. An article by Colin Rowe titled ‘The Mathematics of the Ideal Villa’ compares Palladio’s works and Le Corbusier. Le Corbusier followed and even copied Andrea Palladio’s designs but never credited him for the same. In fact there have been studies and researches on Le Corbusier’s works which show the designs to be same as those …show more content…
The first floor consists of colonnade of Doric order, the second one consists of colonnade of Ionic order. In the complex lies a theatre known as Theatro Olimpico. It is said to be the first modern theatre. Palladio died six months after the construction of the theatre started and then Scamozzi took charge of completing the project through leftover sketches of Palladio.
IL Redentore Inspirations from history Palladio followed designs of Vitruvius. He also compiled a book titled ‘The Four Books on Architecture’ after the book of Vitruvius titled ‘The ten books on Architecture’. The purpose was to provide a concise information and indulge the thought of reading in the reader’s mind through a less but consolidated format. Palladio has set standards for design which are being followed since years. Another good example is the University of Virginia which was designed by Thomas Jefferson. It follows similar columns, pediments and the portico of Palladio style which seems dominant even today.
Modern Influences There have been copies of Palladio’s works and even elements designed by him such as colonnade and pediments or entire porticos. One such example is the U.S Supreme Court building situated in Washington