Previous art movements influenced the middle Ages along with humans evolving art to new and traditional biblical concepts. Three periods of art that influenced the middle Ages were Gothic, Romanesque, and Early Christian. Some of the traditions influencing the Middle Ages’ past and present include Classical …show more content…
The time periods that evolved from this period brought brighter colors into projects. To this day, we still see these types of art in our churches. However, the art is not the same, but it is very similar.
Art critics have a certain power of determination over art history. Theorizing about art continued during the Middle Ages, under a Christian banner. There was certain awareness of the material character of medieval art, philosophers made no serious effort to synthesize that the material was theoretical, nor did they illustrate their theories about the artists. In Plato’s theory, they distinguished between the judgment of senses and reason, because it based its laws of beauty given by God. Also in Plato’s theory, he wrote about imitation, which is the ruling principle of anyone’s life. One critic might call this metaphysical criticism, art is the best way of simplifying and communicating complex