On the island of Delos, a meeting took place in 478 BC, where members of Greek states pledged an oath of loyalty to protect Greece against the Persians and contribute financial resources and fleets of ships. Together, over 300 Greeks states formed the Delian League. Athens became the leader of the league because of her large fleet, experienced generals, and victorious reputation from previous battles against the Persians. Athens was now able to directly influence the decisions of the league, political ideas and control the contribution of finances from the league. This meant that Athens became a growing power with the contribution of money and ships; which she …show more content…
Pericles believed that Athens was a symbol of greatness which other states should follow. He behaved as if Athens was in command of the Delian League. Though Pericles served with nine other strategoi appointed each year from other tribes, none of the other generals had a similar influence and power over the ecclesia(the assembly) like Pericles. During this period(until his death in 429 BC), Pericles was elected 15 times by his tribe as the strategos. Pericles was remarkably popular because of his strong generalship and his prestige based on, as according to Plutarch, “not able to be bribed and with a strong sense of fairness and justice”(Life of