Attila was raised for war. He was born year 400, into a nomadic tribe known as the Huns. Born into a family of Kings, Attila and his brother were raised by their two uncles, who at the time were leaders of the clan.At a young age, he began training which consisted of riding, and becoming accurate in archery. Gradually, he grew as a respected Hun. Attila was raised for battle at a young age.
When Attila was 20, the Western Roman Empire was the most powerful Kingdom in the world.Tribes around the Huns started attacking. Finally, his uncles gathered an army and attacked.Tiny Villages try to a fashion peace by offering money, gold, and livestock.That didn't stop the Huns. They stormed through …show more content…
Italy, killing all in their path. In 434, they made a deal with a neighboring army-350 pounds of gold each year not to attack. But then tragedy struck. Attila's uncles died. Attila, heartbroken, cut his hair and slashed his face. Unknown to Attila and his brother, they were now rulers of the Huns. Only 2 people stood in their way each other.
In 444 Attila murdered brother, and crowned himself King. He spent his time skiing plans and devising attacks. Early one morning of January 26th 447 color and/or earthquake Constantinople. The wall fell, leaving it open and undefended.Attila sent his warriors to Thrace, and City by City, they advanced toward Constantinople. As the days passed by, they closed in. Panic spread through the city. They desperately tried to rebuild the walls, but it was too late. Their city fell.Many thought Attila was done. But he had just started. He now turned his head to the much larger prize- the West.
Terror struck as Attila invaded Gaul.
He continued his march, leaving a trail of violence behind. On one of his raids, he met a woman named Ursula. He asked her to marry him but she refused. So Attila killed her and her 1000 followers. Meanwhile, the Romans and Visigoths joined together to make one last and against Attila.He charged one last time at Caledonia Fields. He lost. In defeat, he headed home. Years later he arranged to marry a woman named Ildice. That night they were married. In the morning, they heard sobbing. The barged open the door only to find Attila lying in a pool of blood he has coughed up. No one knows where he is buried. All who performed the ceremony were killed. But the scourge of God was dead.
Attila’s death was unexpected. But for 4 centuries he had ruled the eastern and western Empires. He thought that he had done the impossible. He had conquered most of Europe. Though barbaric he is still remembered today but he had definitely earned his nicknamed-The Scourge of