influence on psychology was the introduction of behaviorism. Behaviorism is the
theory that behaviors and actions can be conditioned without any second
thoughts. Behaviorist theories also believe that psychological disorders can be
treated through the conditioning of appropriate behaviors. There are two
kinds of conditioning, classical and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning
is changing of a behavior through the pairing of two stimuli. Classical
conditioning is well known as being research by Ivan Pavlov, one of the
behaviorists who influenced Skinner. Operant conditioning is changing and
conditioning a behavior through reinforcement, whether the reinforcement is
positive, …show more content…
After graduating, his writing career had little success and he enrolled at
Harvard University for his graduate degree, with a new desire to study
During his psychology career, Watson heavily influenced him, as well as
Pavlov and Edward Thorndike, and their work and experiments with behaviorism.
Skinner was interested in how stimulus had control over behavior - consequence.
During his development of operant conditioning, he came up with what was
known as the Skinner Box. Operant conditioning is the conditioning of human
and/or animals behaviors with the promise of either reward or punishment. The
Skinner Box allowed Skinner to observe animals interacting within their
environment. Some of these animals he observed were rats, and pigeons. While
observing the rats, he saw that the rats learned to use the lever to dispense
amounts of food. While observing the pigeons, he came across similar results.
The only difference being that the pigeons learned to peck at a disc in order to
dispel food. These experiments with the Skinner Box allowed Skinner to discover
that when learning behavior, a form of reinforcement is key to enhancing