From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers of the United States of America and one of the greatest inventors of all time. He invented many objects including: the Bifocals, Lightning Rod, The Franklin Stove, Swim Fins and much more. One of his most famous discoveries was electricity.
Franklin began working on electricity after he heard a lecture about it in Scotland in 1743. Five years later he sent a letter over it to the Royal Society. In 1751, he published his book of his electrical current experiments in England called Experiments and Observations of Electricity. Before Franklin started his discovery of electricity, the main idea of electricity consisted of two opposing forces. Franklin showed electricity consisted of a one common force, and electricity flows like a fluid, it passes from one body to another. In a letter to Peter Collinson, Franklin wrote that the "fire" only circulates. However it was never destroyed and he named it "Electric Fire". Franklin's work became the basis for the single fluid theory. When something is being charged, electricity flows from a positive side then to a negative side. …show more content…
To avoid damaging the paper under the rain, he used silk instead of paper. Which he sent up with a cord made of hemp, which is used when making rope or a cord. At the top end was an iron point and at the bottom part of the string was a key. While Franklin was with his son, he raised the kite while staying under a shed to avoid getting wet. The long wait almost made him give up until he noticed the loose fibers on the string and when his knuckle touched the key, he received a strong spark with an electrifying sensation. The key made repeated little sparks that charged the vial, and all the experiments made