Therefore, I would like to proceed by saying we learned about the history of sociology and the different sociologists that made such an impact towards …show more content…
Wright Mills that even though he is not part of the eight team, he still has impacted sociology in a big way. He created a concept known as sociological imagination which is defined as an awareness of the relationship between a person’s behavior and experience and the wider culture that shaped the person’s choices and perceptions. Also he was not only a very impactful sociologist in the sociology field, but he is an inspiring one as well. He helped emphasize that in order to make a change in society is that it exerts direct, profound influence on the people living in it. Which by reading more about him by the transcript was that he was not only a sociologist, but a human who wants to make a change in the social structure of America. I know that by having this mindset was because he was greatly influenced by his background. C. Wright Mills was born in a poor working class family, but that didn’t diminish him, it actually made him very proud. So I felt like this helped stimulate his mindset of not only to want to make a change in the social structure of America but his views on the world. John Brews said during the podcast that when Mills was in Europe …show more content…
It’s something that I want to do and I’m going to fight for it because our world needs to get better before it continues on getting worst. I learned that in order to make a change you need to take it one step at a time by making changes in your community. That can ultimately lead up to making even bigger changes that could affect the whole world in such a positive and impactful way. For example, what makes me want to make this type of decision is all because of the people before me and in today’s society who have made positive impactful changes in our world today. Which is a prime example of sociological imagination because people before me and in today’s society have shaped my decision on trying to make our world a better place. Also that was what C.Wright Mills wanted to aim for by wanting sociologist to help improve the lives of ordinary men and women. I feel like his work has helped me understand the responsibility of helping other people in my life, which makes me want to strive to make a change even more by studying the issues that us as individuals go through. Then taking those studies so that the people from those studies can be heard. His work just basically gave me this understanding that can help benefit my life in the long