Canada was an essential piece in the allied war effort in WWII. The Canadian Army and Navy delivered victory in three critical conflicts: the battle of Ortona, D-Day’s Juno Beach, and the Liberation of the Netherlands. Through the hard work, courage, and great sacrifices made by Canadian soldiers and the Allied forces, the German led forces surrendered on May 7th 1945, and Victory was declared across all of Europe the next day (V-E Day). Canada proved to be a powerful force and an accomplished allied partner as national pride and confidence soared.
The Battle of Ortona started on December 20th, 1943. Ortana, a deep water port on the east coast of Italy that would greatly reduce the time needed …show more content…
In three months, the allied war effort had pushed the German occupation back over 600 km. The 1st Canadian Army was ordered to clear the Scheldt River of mines to clear a way for the allied ships so that they could reach the port of Antwerp for delivery of supply. With the Netherlands being mostly below sea level, the fighting was treacherous. The flat, soggy, and sometimes flooded land proved to be dangerous, but led by General Guy Simonds, Canadian and British forced fought in fierce battles in October and November. With the exception of men and tanks, most equipment required the use of roads built into the dykes that held back the sea, making for easy targets for the Germans. At the cost of 6400 troops, the estuary and the larger islands of the Scheldt River had been secured by November 8th. On November 28th, after the river was cleared of mines, the first allied cargo ships enter the Antwerp port. After a daring air and land attack, to cut the German positions in Western Europe in half, failed, it was apparent that the war would not end in 1944. That winter spelled the death of thousands of Dutch people as their resources had been seized by the Germans for their war effort. Food and fuel supplies dwindled, and many were receiving only an eighth of their daily necessary food intake. This continued until February of 1945 when the allies restarted their advance through Europe. As Canadian forces pushed across the Rhine River, the 1st Canadian Corps were brought in, leading to the largest Canadian fighting force ever commanded by a Canadian officer. This huge army swept across the Netherlands, clearing out the German Occupation, and providing relief for the starving civilians. They ended their assault in Aperdoon for fear that the Germans would breach the dykes keeping the land from being sea. Many of the relieved Dutch citizens wrote “Thank you Canadians” on their rooftops to show