Following Jesus’ death, Christianity was transformed from a small Jewish sect to a world religion. The transformation started with Saint Paul, an early convert whose journeys led to the creation of small Christian communities that included non-Jews. Paul wrote a letter to one of the communities stating that, “There is neither Jew nor Greek . . . neither slave nor free . . . neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28) Even though Paul claimed there was no inequality between genders, Christianity put restrictions on women and gave them few opportunities. A large percentage of the Christian population at the time was female because of Jesus’ easy interaction with women. Even though it wasn’t …show more content…
There was also constant debate over what belonged in the New Testament and the nature of Jesus. Political and cultural differences created separation even among the orthodox. The separation caused the split between the Latin, Roman Catholic, the Greek, and Eastern Orthodox branches of Christianity, a division that exists to this day. Christianity transformed into the world’s most practiced religion in the modern world due to the spreading of Jesus’ teachings and religious