Rome had rulers that wanted to expand its territory and at the empire's peak it took up a majority of the European continent, a bit of western Asia, and some parts of northern Africa. The growing empire as it expanded its already vast territory connected roads together so that people could travel from and to Rome in an easy manner. People from different countries and empire flooded into Rome after the news went around about its great conditions, many of these people were poor who had come to Rome hoping to find work and money. Christians worked a lot with the poor and with an increase of them their jobs grew and connections were made slowly expanding the Christian community. …show more content…
Another factor for the rise of Christianity as the empire declined was the constant wars against other countries and different diseases.
The wars and plagues cost the Romans a lot, especially in lives. People died day after day and soon they were searching for a hope that the wars would end and that the tragedies that they had to endure would end. Christians believed in an afterlife of eternal happiness with their Heavenly Master. As they went around teaching others--mostly those that believed in a different religion or were pagans-- of their ways, people started to convert knowing that they had a hope to look forward to as the wars raged on and the plagues
Religions such as Arianism--which was a very targeted religion by the Christians--and Paganism found no reason to expand since many people already were following them. Their lack of will to convert people to their religion let Christianity come in and take over because they had the will to convert many people to their ways. With this in play, Christians began their work, one of them Paul the Apostle wrote a few books of the Bible and went around preaching to those around him. He even made a difference when he was thrown into jail, he kept writing and preaching. Constantine, a famous Roman Emperor was converted from his pagan ways to Christianity which allowed Christians to freely preach. He protected them from the government which had originally wanted Christians gone and had gone to as far as killing them. But the martyrs just made the Christians even stronger stitching them even closer and they continued their work.This was another thing that Christians had those other religions didn't have, a strong will.
The Roman Empire in its time of declination allowed Christianity to grow due to the increase of poor to preach to, plagues and wars that left people with no hope, and the lack of will in other religions to expand.