In January of 1492, the monarchs agreed to finance his expeditions. Later that same year in August he left Spain with the Santa Maria, Pinta, and the Niña. Thirty-six days into his expedition he landed in the Bahamas. Columbus then continued on his journey and visited Cuba and Hispaniola. On the way there the Santa Maria wrecked off the coast of Hispaniola. He then had to build a settlement named Villa de la Navidad, which translates to Christmas Town in English, from the wreckage of the ship. Once the settlement was built, thirty-nine of the crewman stayed behind to take of it while he returned to Spain in 1943. (Christopher Columbus Biography.)
Columbus then explored the Caribbean Ocean Ocean then returned to Villa de la Navidad. Upon arriving he found that his settlement was destroyed and his crew members were massacred. He wanted to rebuild his settlement so he decided that the only way to rebuild was force labor. (Christopher Columbus