
How Did Christopher Columbus First Voyage

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How Did Christopher Columbus First Voyage
“Journal of the First Voyage of Christopher Columbus” The personal journal was written by Christopher Columbus. Columbus possessed a familiar background pertaining to the Atlantic trade as he followed in his father’s footsteps. It was not until the age of forty-one Christopher Columbus made his first voyage of discovery. He believed that he could find a new and faster route to the Far East, which would be him wealth and fame. As he did just that, Christopher Columbus is known today for colonizing the New World. The journal contains Christopher Columbus’s personal experience as he describes his first voyage to the “New World”. The journal entries are a primary source due to the relations the author had with the associated event. Outside of providing his observations of the native’s way of life as they inhabited the land when he first arrived, his letter to the king also announces his discoveries as he …show more content…
Christopher Columbus felt that they should be converted to Christianity and learn to live the way Europeans did during that day in time. He also explained to the king that they did not possess weapons as they were “entirely unknown to them, and for which they are not adapted.” With this observation, Christopher Columbus thought this would make things easier when it came to enslave the Indians if they did not have the resources to fight back. He even described their characteristics as “timid” as he goes on saying “they are so timid that a thousand would not stand before three of our men.” In his thoughts, Columbus believed it would an easy task to make them slaves and make them adapt to his culture (only “to work and sow, and do all that may be necessary to build towns”). Columbus felt that their way of living was wrong and should be changed because of the two culture’s

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