The form of government during ancient Egypt was monarchy. It was ruled by its great Pharaohs. The Pharaoh was a vital part of the ancient Egyptian culture and the head of the country. Ancient Egyptian government was theocratic, believing that a king is the god. The Pharaoh with the help of some governors, viziers, monarchs and other officials controlled the government also made the decisions behalf of the citizens. The people didn’t have a say in the government and blindly followed their rulers. A religion practiced by the Ancient Egyptians was polytheism, believing in many gods. But majority thought of the Pharaoh’s as god and worshipped them. The Pharaoh was the political and religious leader, ruling in both ways. They practiced it by performing religious …show more content…
rituals and doing as said by the leader. This civilization of ancient Egypt did advance to an extent. Today Egypt is known for its great pyramids and old antiques. The pyramids are an example of Egypt’s significant creativity. The burring of their beloved Pharaohs this way was Egypt’s old custom, which led to what’s known today as one of the wonders of the world, Pyramid of Giza. Another example is the Sphinx, it shows Egypt’s incredible architecture, and yet another significant creativity next to the pyramids. Every year thousands of tourists go to explore this place and discover new things about the civilization.
The civilization of ancient Greece, yet another powerful and influential one of the history.
Greece is a peninsula located near the Mediterranean Sea, bordering with Egypt, Persia, and Rome. It’s greatly known for its mythology and artwork. The climate is mostly dry and hot, it’s also a very mountainous place. Ancient Greece starts off with the domination of small and independent city-states; colonies. It was isolated because of the mountainous landscape so less communication took place. Yet it boarded with sea, many opportunities were offered like, trading overseas through the
The Greeks had a lot of different kinds of governments and law systems, each city-state has diverse criteria. For instance, Athens was a democracy and Sparta was a mixed government, so the city-state would frequently undergo a war or fight. Some of the early forms of government were monarchy, oligarchy. In monarchy the city-state was ruled by a king, while oligarchy on the other hand was ruled by a group of people. The Greeks worshiped several gods meaning they were Polytheistic. The government depended on the religious beliefs and based their laws from it. The religious practices primarily focused on following the moral codes and virtues. Mostly evolving around the Greek gods, Olympians and others. This civilization was advanced to a great extent. Ancient Greek’s significant for its historical sites and advances even today, the great literature, art, well-known philosophers, and the birthplace of democratic system. This civilization was indeed the most impactful and sophisticated ones.