New England colonies political …show more content…
Therefore they did not have many differences in people and were not separated by low, middle, or high classes. Instead they were grouped as farmers, craftsmen/merchants, servants, and indians. They were very much structured around religious beliefs. “Religion helped them to decide a social structure and this is how they maintained it in the New England colonies. Calvinist religions thrived throughout New England. In every colony but Rhode Island, civil law required every settler to attend worship services on the Sabbath and every taxpayer to contribute to the support of the clergy (Raymer).” This caused the majority of colonists to be religious in some way (Raymer). The people in New England were mostly white and they did not have slavery …show more content…
In these colonies many immigrants were introduced. Many of these immigrants were German, Irish, and Scottish. “Germans made up the largest contingent of migrants from the European continent to the Middle colonies. Immigrants swarmed to the middle colonies because of the availability of land (Roark, et al. 109) The Middle Colonies abided by the crown still and for religion they had separate church and state (Abel). Slavery was also bigger in the Middle Colonies. Majority of the slaves who came to the middle colonies and New England was caused from a stop over in the West Indies, as the Robin Johns did (Roark, et al.