
How Did Columbus Build Relationships With Foreign Parties

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How Did Columbus Build Relationships With Foreign Parties
Building relationships between foreign parties can be defined as one of the most self-ex planatory, e accom topher ColumbUS S nthralled joume achieved we can understand how ColUmbUS creating relationships with foreign parties. To first how this historical event occurred, we must think from the perspective of ChFlStOpher Columbus in this time period. During this time, the Eastern hemisphere was COIOniz ing, ClVilization was finally developing and technologies were advancing such as, sail boats, Compasses, maps, and aircrafts. Civilizations began organizing themselves into hierarchies, creating jobs for themselves, and were embarking on a journey of apitalism. Columbus being an explorer, noticed the fast rate of advancements and became inspired to take part in the capitalism by exploring the “unknown”. Since no one had the courage to attempt to discover what Columbus would, it gave more ColumbMS more of a reason to pursue the expedition. Though the Italian explorer had no money, nor any sailing equipment, he would proclaim his dream to the Spanish monarch in hopes of sharing benefits of capitalism and colonialism, fame and fortune, and the spread …show more content…
One reason could be the “fear of the unknown" and not wanting to go alone, and guidance from a well-informed nation could be the key. Around the 1400’s, civilizations were familiar with trade, profits, and sailing to an extent. Maps were being created, though many people thought the world was flat, and that they’d fall off the Earth if they sailed too far into the West. Later, explorers would find out that wasn’t true and there was more to learn about the atmosphere in which they lived in. Columbus went to various countries such as France, England, Portugal, and Spain to request proper guidance and assistance for his expedition. He was rejected by these four but would be accepted by the Spanish Monarch,

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