
How Did Descartes Contribute To The Scientific Revolution

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How Did Descartes Contribute To The Scientific Revolution
Scientific Revolution: The scientific revolution refers to the period of historical changes in thought & belief, as well as proposed universal laws. This period brought ideas not only on the motion of the spheres, but on the influence of God on daily life and nature theorized by philosophers such as Nicholas Copernicus and Isaac Newton.
The Author, Its Work: Nicolaus Copernicus, On the Revolutions; the Heliocentric Model. Nicolaus Copernicus proposed the idea that the sun was stationary object centered in the middle of the universe as the earth spun around it, which lead to the heliocentric model. The heliocentric model although debatable was the genesis in a scientific revolution that changed the way planets and the universe was viewed. The heliocentric model explained the movements of the sun, moon and planets and he wanted
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Descartes pursued the idea that working knowledge has to be meaningfully linked to something real. Descartes refused to accept the authority of previous philosophers, and often refused to trust his own senses. He frequently set his views apart from those of his predecessors. Rejecting the Aristotelian philosophy of the schools, the authority of tradition and senses, Descartes created a philosophical system. Descartes book The World, introduces a comprehensive vision of the nature of the world post the time Aristotle, and is crucial for the comprehension of his later writings. It provides an insight into how Descartes’ conceived of natural philosophy before he started to reformulate his doctrines in terms of the theory of knowledge, with regard to its methods, validity, and scope Descartes provide the first distinctly modern formulation of laws of nature and Descartes states that motion is caused by God, who instigates it at the creation and constantly maintains it according to a principle of conservation of quantity of motion and the 3 laws of

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