The life of this man is a story that could be told a million times. In Boston, Massachusetts on January 19, 1809 Edgar Allan Poe was bestowed up the face of this planet to his father, David Poe, and mother, Elizabeth Poe. Both of his parents were actors and died …show more content…
One way is that his work has been used to teach writers for generations and soon more to come. He has an influence on literature in not just the United States but internationally as well. It is in fact that other countries appreciated his works in an exceedingly amount, especially the French. This is probably due to many French writers with the same writing style as Poe at the time. Many writers were inspired to write due to translations to his poems. He has indirectly taught millions of children in the art of literature. They learn symbolism, literary devices, foreshadowing, etc. Also, Poe had a numerous quantity of accomplishments in types of literature. A large impact is that Poe is the creator of the detective fiction genre and has added a lot of fame to the horror genre. An example of the detective fiction is a story written by Poe, The Murders of Rue Morgue. Now because of Poe’s contributions to the horror field, the number of people interested in this has been the highest it’s ever been. He is said to influence in some of the greats in horror such as Stephen King (“Edgar Allan Poe: Quintessential Romantic” The Imaginative