"Edward attented the collage University of St. Andrews and St. George's University Of London" according to bbc.com/history. At the age of 14 Edward was employed to a local surgeon and was trained in London. Edward was born May 19,1749 and he unfourtantly died January 26, 1823.Edward was married to a woman named Katherine King Scout. According to Encyclopideia.com "Edward moved to Chantry Cottage and met the love of his life''. Edward and his wife Katherine never split up and lived a happy life together. Just as bbc.com/history wrote ''From the year 1772 till Edward was dead he was a local doctor in his town he had moved to" There he had discovered the vaccination for small pox and helped many people who were suffering from the …show more content…
Edward was a kind, smart and wise guy. ''Edward vaccined the poor for free'' according to encyclopideia.com. this helped small pox not spread to other people considering the disease was very contagious and deadly. If Edward did not think of vaccining the poor for free it would spread to other people and even more people would have it. "Edward had never gotten small pox before" according to Biographyonline.net!! It took Edward another 16 years to acually confrim his invention!! How crazy is that?! "Edward jenner also had a lot of patience witch helped him through making his inventions and knowing what was wrong with it and how to fix it" according to